There isn't just one time in Oliver's recent past to make comparisons to. There is August- where he was sleeping up to 9 hours at a time at night, napping pretty regularly twice a day, eating the average amount for his age, not startling easily, no reflux and keeping straight legs when he walked. Then, there is October- where he had quit eating and sleeping, eyes were back to crossing, legs crossed when he walked, he startled easily and the reflux was bad. In comparing I want to make sure to keep both dates in mind- August-good vs October- not so good.
Sleep - better than October, doesn't take as long to get him to fall asleep and it's easier to put him down once he is asleep- this is still on and off again but overall better than Oct - not as good as Aug yet.
Eyes- still crossing equally and the same amount as the start of this treatment
Hands- pretty equal - this is better than the start of treatment and quite possibly ready to surpass the amount in August
Eating- much better than Oct (non-existent) and when compared to August, although it's much less food he's consuming I believe he's using a better, more appropriate, more coordinated movement. His lips are closed and his tongue does more work. I think the method is better than Aug and we've only been at it for a few days now.
Legs- kicking a whole lot more - I'm teaching him to use them to move - he's moving them more than in August even but he still scissors them when he walks
Hips- not noted in previous summaries but his hips are either more flexible or more trained to move in a more complete range of motion - this is much improved to August even and has allowed him to roll more easily and much more frequently- all good except now he is at risk for throwing himself off beds and such
Arms- jury is still out- the chamber today swore that he waved to elmo- this is the up and down movement that I've been hoping for - where he can wave, ask to be picked up and get to toys easier- this is different from the bent elbow movement that I would also like to see but it's a good one to have - I would have to say though that it's better movement than Oct and I'm working hard to teach him to raise them up using verbal commands and repeated situations where it's necessary (putting on the high chair tray, picking him up etc)
Awareness- update from week 1 - he no longer cries when we get to the building for the treatments and he can be happy in the presence of the technicians as long as they aren't holding the implements that make him so upset- oxygen hood, thermometer or ear checking device (does that have a specific name??)
Crawl- still upset after just a second or two in crawl position - especially if not well supported- this has been his habit since he picked up on walking and is causing him a little trouble since his rolling is getting him over in a stuck crawl position more often - training on the bed doesn't produce the same frustration because gravity and his tendency to push with his arms more lets him fall into a standing position. He hasn't translated this to being flat on his belly and won't use his arms to push up but it's still new
Reflux - is gone - prevacid must be working
Verbal- jury still out- wish to hear some sort of noises on purpose - he is making plenty of noise- same as both Oct and Aug I would say
Mood- playing longer with toys- having more fun using his body in new ways- roll, grab, exersaucer, etc - more independent play- although I use the term independent very loosely - better than Aug even
Things I am actively trying to teach him: voice commands for things I want him to do/not to do - "up" to get him to raise up his hands, "open" to get him to open his hands, "no no" to get him to stop his ATNR (see below for explanation), rolling/using his body to move from one place to another, singing/talking, additional words for his life- mama's baby- he needs to be warned right?, talking (on phone, to toys, etc), chew, walk vs stroller, how I can do something and so can he (or bunny or glowworm etc) and some signs- for all done and more right now - um- that's all I can think of right now but my point was that we're working on a ton of things right now and so we're really pushing his ability to learn and hopefully these treatments are assisting me with all this stuff.
ATNR- Asymetrical Tonic Neck Reflex -meant for babies and meant to go away - has not for Oliver. When angry he'll throw his straight left arm out and back, bend his right elbow and hold his hand at his right ear and crank his head to the right. This reflex prevents him from doing a lot of things- prevents him from falling asleep for one - it keeps him cranked up, tight and angry - when "broken" of the posture (reflexive posture) he is more calm. It also prevents him from rolling to his right side since his left arm is stuck out straight in the opposite direction that he wants to move. If I tap it saying 'no no" then he can pull it in towards his head, towards his right side and roll easily in that direction. It's not his only remaining baby reflex (common problem in CP) but it's one that I know how to help him stop.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
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