Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 1 - Monday, Nov 2nd

1st Dive- not knowing Jessica, the woman bringing him into the chamber was the first obstacle but he also hated the idea of getting his temperature taken and ears checked.  Then they put a ring around his neck to hold a hood for concentrated oxygen into his airway and that did him in.  They climbed into the chamber looking like quite a struggle but coming out they looked like they had been in a real ocean dive.  Both Jessica and Oliver were soaked from the hour's struggle and heat but Jessica is a champ and didn't complain. 

Of course he's fine as soon as he's in my arms again.  And it turned out that he was actually pretty happy and energetic.  I laid him on the floor to play for a bit.  Although I can't walk away it was nice to put him down to play.  We tried for a nap back at the apartment with just a meager 20 minutes of sleep.

2nd Dive- They take a 3 hour break in between.  Our schedule is 8 and noon.  He fussed a bit less and Jessica started him off without so many clothes on.  Again he was happy after and played on the floor for about 15 minutes while I chatted with parents in the next group going into the chamber.  We needed to go to the bank in Boone and he missed having his afternoon nap.

That night, following a bad day of sleep, he had an awful night of sleep.  New place and no night light etc were probably to blame.  He took nearly 2 hours to go down and then woke up after 40 minutes, then 1 hour, then 5 (thank goodness) but was up for an hour and then down for another hour before getting up for good at 5:30am.

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