Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 16 - TR

The night sleep turned out alright- nothing too bad.  The morning was a bit complicated.  I get into a schedule and although I love having Nathan's help, it's odd when things are thrown off. 

1st Dive/sound- Nathan took him and so I had a chance to nap.  What I didn'realize is that the night before the adult daughter of the owners had just passed away unexpectedly.  It was some combination of complications relating to H1N1 and pnemonia among other things.  So the morning was a rough one for everyone.  You just feel so upset that you're with a family that is helping so many but so powerless to help their own daughter. 

We didn't try for the morning nap again although I knew we had the afternoon filled with a trip to Boone.  We ate instead and then Nathan took him back to the center so I could get us ready for the afternoon.

2nd - I don't have much info except have I mentioned the sucker?  It's our new disctraction technique during sound and it's adorable.  Nathan tried it and thought it was great.  Good thing we're not against the use of sweets. 

Boone- The visits to the accupunturist seem to be a good idea but it's hard to know what benefit they are having.  She says there is improved pulses still and the visits are short so it's not too hard on Ollie.  I told her he had a little digestive distress and mentioned some of his improvements.  We're going back one more time. 

We stopped at EarthFare for tryptophan - 'tis the season right?  It's in turkey- makes you sleepy - thought we would try it as a sleep aid.  I'll get back to you on the results but we haven't started yet.  We got home a little late and Oliver was finally falling asleep.  After a day of no naps it was no wonder.  So we tried to get him straight to bed but that didn't work - it doesn't usually but it's worth the try.  He ate a little and then got his milk and we tried for bed again.  I don't think it was too bad but for the night sleep he only slept 2 hours at a time- all night long.  It was awful.  He was up for an hour or more in between each small session of sleep.  I guess I should look up the tryptophan dosing so I can start it tonight.

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