Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 11- Friday - power napper & accupuncture

Oliver is reinventing the power nap.  You can expect his new book- Power Napping for Infants - Why 10 minutes IS enough - due out next June.  And my new book - How to Deal if your child never Naps- due out never.  Why hasn't someone written this book?  Maybe because they are too tired to get around to it!

But Nathan was here and I did take 2 naps on Thursday.  I feel like I've been leaving off some very important information.  I think about it while putting Oliver down for bed and then forget about it before I get to post.  I'll do another weekly update tonight or tomorrow.  I'm most excited about his eating, his rolling (the falling off the bed game- see you tube), and I feel like I can finally start to teach him some things- like following commands.  If he can't figure out on his own how to roll to move then I believe that I can teach him since he understands so many words. 

1st Dive/Sound- Normal- kept him from napping during sound to get a nap at home- 10 minute power nap

So we played and ate and that was fun.

2nd Dive/Sound- I had already headed to Boone but Nathan said he got one power nap during sound and one more in the car on the way to Boone. 

While looking for a pediatric chiropractor I found a chiro/accupunturist in Boone and we had an appointment immediately following the 2nd session.  I got to go up early and piddle around a bit- they have an EarthFare and TJ max and other fun places.  We met at the office and with no real naps to speak of Oliver was worse than even I expected.  Who can blame him though - it's just another person coming to mess with him.  She took his pulses (these are different than medical heart rate pulse) and said he was off on this and that (hard to hear over the crying) and she used her bright green laser light to hit no less than 20 points on Oliver's body.  Of course it didn't hurt but anyone outside the door wouldn't have believed that.  Once Nathan got him out of the room he was fine.  I tried to have a conversation with the doctor- we set up for us to come back a few more times while we're here.  I've heard of parents trying to treat their child with CP with accupunture so I thought since it's more local than any place back home we should try it while we're here.  I asked her if I should expect anything and she said it's hard to know.  And if we don't see anything then we'll scrap the idea and not look for another doctor back home. 

Nathan and I had planned to go to dinner before he left town and I was very worried about Oliver being a menace in the restaurant but somehow he was in a good enough mood and dinner was nice.  He yawned a bit on the way home (40 minute drive) and was still alright when we stopped at the grocery store for baby food.  He recognized the puff container which was so cute.  He used to LOVE puffs.  (Puffs-those cheerio type baby things that I used to make fun of but love because they melt a heck of a lot faster than cheerios.)  I even took time to feed him baby food when we got home and we had the usual bedtime of 7:15.  At 8:30 when the neighbors came in I noticed that his sound machine had cut off- it shorts out sometimes and just stops and starts again.  I was able to sneak in to restart it and cuddle him for a minute and he fell right back asleep.  Just in case I headed off to bed early too but Nathan will be back in 5 days this time instead of 7 like last week. 

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