Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sunday- Day off & bored

I had made plans of course but in rural areas it doesn't usually amount to much and you have to wait for things to open up on a Sunday.  Oliver woke up early so I waited until the attempted morning nap.  If I remember correctly I think it was 45 minutes that we napped together.  We killed some time in Wal-mart and then Ingles buying baby food.  By noon I was starving so we ate at the Good Ol Days ice cream shop.  So by 1 we were back at the apartment.  Oliver was grumpy and there wasn't much else to be done.  The milkshake I had eaten left me fairly immobile so we moved slowly through the afternoon before going for milk at the local farm around 4.  I can tell he's getting tired of Elmo but there aren't any other options.  He wouldn't go down for sleep in his usual position.  I had to cuddle him chest to chest into my shoulder.  I thought it would be tricky to get him down into the bed but he was fast asleep.  He's moving into a pattern of sleeping for a first shift of up to 7 hours, usually just 6 and frequently waking up for no apparent reason but going back down pretty easily.  I feed him in the middle of the night but he's been waking up for good by 6.  I can't wait to have some night help again.

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